Our line of products that serve specific purpose of multiple industries in government and private sectors. These include -

SMARTᵀᴹ is an agenda management and speaker registration system that invites participation in public meetings. It enables public users to register for more than one meeting/bill number. They can do this with ease and the system ensures seamless navigation. It also features effective interactions which hence provides better customer experiences.

It is an emergency notification platform that has two variants.
Case Notifications
This digital system enables participants to register themselves for notifications from court proceedings. It is a SaaS platform whichsends notifications to the respective personnel based on the circumstances such as notice of Court’s events, Cancellation or rescheduling of a case, Reminders on the upcoming filing/payment deadline,or for any event associated with the Court event or case.
Event / Emergency Notifications
This variant of our product enables state/city/county authorities as well as heads of large-scale organizations to send automated notifications to all those involved about sudden announcements, events and more. People can register for free on this web-based platform and get notified on all their respective mobile phones as well as emails.

e-WOTCᵀᴹ is a web-based software solution developed to organize and simplify all WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit) program requests on one platform. Multiple applications can be made by the same employer or consultants on behalf of the employer to get quick responses. It is a role-based application with each role having different abilities. These roles include internal users (Administrator, Customer Specialists, Program Specialists, Research Specialists, Out of State Specialists) and external users (Employers, Consultants).

iDesk- Visitor Management Software
The software increases your front desk’s efficiency by instantly recording the details of each visitor with a single swipe of their license on a barcode scanner. Details of visitors at multiple locations can be recorded at the same time. There will be no need for any more paperwork and will leave no space for any human error. The recording and verification of visitors’ details will be completed in seconds!

We specifically developed this application for non-profits such as Early learning Coalitions and regional job boards such as the CareerSource.Through this solution a caseworker/user of these organizations can schedule multiple events/appointments that are specifically related to these industries. It simplifies the daily tasks of manual staff scheduling and assignment by automating the entire process. Task scheduling, resource management and organizational workflow can be managed through a centralized dashboard and automated email alerts for all users.

ELC Intake
This is a web application meant for the ELC programs. It has distinct roles that are specific to these programs such as Admin, Case Workers, Organization Supervisor, and client supervisor. Our solution is a workflow driven system that provides a live database of children information. Organizations of primary and childcare sectors can track eligibility during the process of intake applications.With this app, the details of every child go through the right channels of authority to be enrolled under different programs. The application guaranteed smooth and transparent navigation through the various phases which included selecting forms, entering of information, verifying credentials, forwarding through the proper channels, and obtaining the necessary approvals.

SureViewPro (CAST)
It is a web-based evaluation system that facilitates the evaluation of teaching and non-teaching staff in educational institutions through multiple observations. Performances are closely monitored through aggregated data and select reports. The SureViewPro can be customized to suit individual requirements of educational entities in public as well as private sectors.

Multi-Tiered Support System
SGS developed a (Multi-Tiered Support System) solution that provides targeted support to struggling school students. It helps educators as well as child guardians (such as parents) provide academic and behavioral strategies for students with various needs. We have digitalized the entire process of bringing together general education teachers and other school employees to set goals, observations, interventions, and monitor the future progress of these students. The application improves access to early intervention, early identification, as well as academic and behavioral outcomes. It acts as an evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention.