Want to develop an ordinary website for your business? Then you are still residing in the previous century! Websites have been replaced by web applications and further by progressive web apps. In fact, latest reports reveal that even the global software giant Microsoft has announced its plans to shift to Progressive Web Apps.

What is the difference?

“Progressive web apps are apps that don’t function like regular apps. Instead of existing in app stores, downloaded and installed to your home-screen, they exist on the web — like a website. This means you can search for them in places like Google, can link them to friends on social media and navigate to them freely and easily. The result is an app that is very easy to access for users and a product that is much easier to market and gain traction with for developers.” Source: London Economic Times

In simpler words, a progressive web app no longer occupies the space of your system. It exists in digital space and can be accessed by users anywhere across the world. It is a new concept that bridges the gap between websites and mobile apps. Hence with news of Microsoft shifting to progressive web apps, you soon can access Microsoft Office from the web!


  • Responsive and adapt to any device or screen size
  • Need not be downloaded or installed in app store
  • Continue to update information even while in the background
  • Does not depend of quality of in-house systems


Popular brands that have already implemented progressive web apps include Twitter, PayPal and Forbes!

Are progressive web apps secure?
Yes and especially if they are developed with  AngularJS frameworks. This helps authenticate the identity of users in a progressive web app. Hence, you can be ensured that no stranger messes with your web app when it is on a public domain. SGS Technologie LLC can assist you in developing progressive we apps that are made secure with the Angular JS framework. Get to use for a more a detailed discussion.

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"articleBody" : "What is the difference?</STRONG></P>\n\n<P>�Progressive web apps are apps that don�t function like regular apps. Instead of existing in app stores, downloaded and installed to your home-screen, they exist on the web � like a website. This means you can search for them in places like Google, can link them to friends on social media and navigate to them freely and easily. The result is an app that is very easy to access for users and a product that is much easier to market and gain traction with for developers.� Source: <A href=\"https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/tech-auto/rise-progressive-web-app-death-apps-know/21/09/\">London Economic Times</A></P>\n\n<P>In simpler words, a progressive web app no longer occupies the space of your system. It exists in digital space and can be accessed by users anywhere across the world. It is a new concept that bridges the gap between websites and mobile apps. Hence with news of Microsoft shifting to progressive web apps, you soon can access Microsoft Office from the web!</P>\n\n<P><STRONG>Advantages</STRONG></P>\n\n<UL>\n\t<LI>Responsive and adapt to any device or screen size</LI>\n\t<LI>Need not be downloaded or installed in app store</LI>\n\t<LI>Continue to update information even while in the background</LI>\n\t<LI>Does not depend of quality of in-house systems</LI>\n</UL>\n\n<P> </P>\n\n<P><EM>Popular brands that have already implemented progressive web apps include Twitter, PayPal and Forbes!</EM></P>\n\n<P> <BR/>\n<STRONG>Are progressive web apps secure?</STRONG><BR/>\nYes and especially if they are developed with AngularJS frameworks. This helps authenticate the identity of users in a progressive web app. Hence, you can be ensured that no stranger messes with your web app when it is on a public domain. <A href=\"http://www.sgstechnologies.net/\">SGS Technologie LLC</A> can assist you in developing progressive we apps that are made secure with the Angular JS framework. Get to use for a more a detailed discussion.",
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News! Microsoft Shifts to Progressive Web Apps



Want to develop an ordinary website for your business? Then you are still residing in the previous century! Websites have been replaced by web applications and further by progressive web apps. In fact, latest reports reveal that even the global software giant Microsoft has announced its plans to shift to Progressive Web Apps.

What is the difference?

“Progressive web apps are apps that don’t function like regular apps. Instead of existing in app stores, downloaded and installed to your home-screen, they exist on the web — like a website. This means you can search for them in places like Google, can link them to friends on social media and navigate to them freely and easily. The result is an app that is very easy to access for users and a product that is much easier to market and gain traction with for developers.” Source: London Economic Times

In simpler words, a progressive web app no longer occupies the space of your system. It exists in digital space and can be accessed by users anywhere across the world. It is a new concept that bridges the gap between websites and mobile apps. Hence with news of Microsoft shifting to progressive web apps, you soon can access Microsoft Office from the web!


  • Responsive and adapt to any device or screen size
  • Need not be downloaded or installed in app store
  • Continue to update information even while in the background
  • Does not depend of quality of in-house systems


Popular brands that have already implemented progressive web apps include Twitter, PayPal and Forbes!

Are progressive web apps secure?
Yes and especially if they are developed with  AngularJS frameworks. This helps authenticate the identity of users in a progressive web app. Hence, you can be ensured that no stranger messes with your web app when it is on a public domain. SGS Technologie LLC can assist you in developing progressive we apps that are made secure with the Angular JS framework. Get to use for a more a detailed discussion.

Category : IT Industry News