Digital Transformation in Banking Sector
The term digital transformation has more implications than computers or software applications. It is also about the mentality. For example, traditional banking involves the human recording of data as well as the storage and maintenance of massive inputs in various paper files. Such data may be stored in computers or official systems these days, but that is just one part or the beginning of digital transformation.
eLearning With Mobile Apps
The concept of eLearning is being widely practiced in the current world and its implementation is spreading to different industries. Electronic Learning (eLearning) is more than virtual classrooms for educational institutions. It also offers online training and guidance to employees of an organization or members of a government agency. eLearning gives the advantage of being trained from any location and at any time.
Machine learning is a concept. It implies the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for enabling systems to automatically learn and improve from experience. In other words, Machine Learning enables systems to learn and execute activities like humans. Systems are not programmed in advance for this. They instead use data such as examples, direct experience, or instruction to look for patterns in data and implement better decisions in the future.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records the transfer of digital assets or information. It is managed by a cluster of computers not feature blocks of data. Each of these blocks of data is secured and linked to each other using cryptographic principles. It resembles es a digital matrix of data or information. Though in the initial stages, this concept has been adapted by several industries along with government agencies.
Benefits of Developing Mobile Apps for Different Industries

The world is getting smaller because of the internet and software is automating most activities in a business or enterprise. This augments the trend of mobile application development which has in turn revolutionized the way that various industries function. Companies and organizations across the region are now increasingly understanding the immense benefits which come with developing customized mobile apps for their unique requirements.

Android applications are getting more popular by the hour. Almost every customer across the United States owns an android phone and this medium is the easiest as well as fastest way for businesses to promote sales. Also interesting is the fact that mobile-app subscription revenue in the US reached $4.6B in 2019.

Technology is getting smarter and so are people or rather the customers. Traditional modes of promotion/advertising such as advertisements, flyers, brochures, and catalogs do not anymore have the same impact as they did a few years ago. For a more precise explanation; many customers no longer pay the required attention to paper and television. This perhaps could be broader classification of customers in tier 1 and tier 2 cities.
Bringing Digital Transformation to Healthcare

The healthcare industry is booming across every region and the recent spread of diseases has only augmented its growth. However, the requirements as well as the number of ill-persons has increased thanks to globalization and modern-day practices. This has consequently increased the dependence healthcare has on technology. Moreover, the necessity to provide better user experience has made healthcare institutions take a big technological leap.
Implementing DevOps for Database Management

DevOps can be defined as a set of activities that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops). It can be used to shorten the software development life cycle’s(SDLC) duration and deliver software applications at a faster pace while maintaining the maximum quality.
Why should Enterprises Implement Multi-Cloud Strategy in 2020?

A multi-cloud strategy can be defined as a process in which businesses or companies select from different providers. That is, several cloud computing and storage systems are used in a single network. Different cloud assets, software tools, applications, and more are distributed across cloud environments. A mixture of IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) services are adopted from multiple cloud providers and sharing workloads among each of these services.